Ben Shapiro DESTROYS himself on pro-choice

Ben Shapiro is making false arguments? You dont’t say!!!

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How to annoy atheists in one move | Casually Debunked

A popular claim by Christians is that there are no atheists. This is because they simply claim that everyone believes in something. Lately the world has been flooded with radical religious atrocities that we have thought about doing something about it. Today we let Rationality Rules have its say:

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Prager U is just getting awkward now… | CJ Pearson DEBUNKED

Rationality Rules investigates a video from PragerU making crazy claims. Straw men are set up in large quantities. Time to refute them.

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Jesus taught PURE HATE | Casually Debunked

Religion will eventually either be the downfall of human society, or we will overcome religious radicalism once and for all. In this episode, Rationality Rules looks at a particularly unpleasant Christian contemporary who is upset about a series of advertisements.

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