Texas School Board Gets Reality Check On Book Bans

This Texas school board actually tried doing their job for once and they were shocked by the results. Leave a comment with your thoughts below!

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Author Shredded On Twitter After Ridiculous Race Stunt BACKFIRES Immediately

White author Sam Forster gets instantly shredded on social media after promoting his book, chronicling himself as a white man ‘disguised’ as a black man to document racism in America. John Iadarola and Sharon Reed break it down on The Damage Report.

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JK Rowling Says The UNTHINKABLE Over Staggering Nazi Fact-Check

J.K. Rowling erupts in bizarre attempt to stand up for Nazis in argument over claims against book burning targeting trans books in X rampage. John Iadarola breaks it down on The Damage Report.

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Tucker Carlson CALLED OUT After Shameful Putin Escalation On Stage

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson gets called out by interviewer and national press as he ramps up his criticism of America in favor of Russia under the leadership of Vladimir Putin. John Iadarola breaks it down on The Damage Report.

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